Nothing about Wed Fest was like a usual wedding. It was a celebration above all. And the tagline we created for this branding - Life's meant to be lived to the fullest - ended up being our inspiration for everything else.
The invitation box had a bunch of goodies inside to get guests excited about the event. Being a festival, we had passes that doubled as posters announcing all the bands as well as custom wristbands. And, well, being a party there were custom labelled tequila bottles. The event was divided into four parts: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon. Each lunar phase had its own graphic element, representing the different moments of the festival, from the dinner party to the after-party. And each lunar phase/space was an event on its own. The details were thorough as every corner had its unique vibe. There were several pieces designed, from a menu printed on acrylic to wooden arrows with clear acrylic signs or 4 huge cut-out metal pieces that welcomed guests to each new environment.
If you don't have time for anything else, do watch the video made by Videoart Storytellers and see what a wed fest is all about.
Photography by Love is my favorite color. Creative Direction + Wedding Planning by Cristiana Vaz Franco.